John Vesey
I have been an Osteopath for 40 years and have a wealth of experience in treating people with a wide range of health issues. I have a passion for helping people rediscover their health and reach their full potential. I treat Adults, Babies, and Children. Although many people come for the resolution of pain in the body, my approach is often to address the psychological roots of distress while releasing the physical imbalances.
I use Cranial Osteopathy, Osteopathy, and Counselling. Often working through life experiences, stresses and shocks during an Osteopathic treatment can help release interlinked body and mind patterns. Patterns of physical and emotional Trauma and
Stress are held in the body and mind, so a Body to Mind and a Mind to Body approach work well.
I see many people who have tried traditional only body or mind approaches for acute or chronic conditions, can find a more wholistic approach works well.
07973725105 johnmvesey@gmail.com
The Practice
Cranial Osteopathy, Osteopathy, Counselling
Established in Friars Cliff, Christchurch
for the last 20 years.
A safe, relaxed and professional environment.
Fully qualified, insured, and registered with the
relevant professional associations (GOsC, BACP)
and covered by many private health schemes.

"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
you touch everything."
- Lao Tzu

Whole Body,Whole Mind
Restoring Balance, Moving Freely
Osteopathy and Counselling
with John
Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine that has been developing over more than 100 years.
It is a holistic approach, working with the structure and functions of the whole body
and is applicable to adults of all ages, pregnant women, children and babies .
What to expect?
On your first visit (usually 1hour) a full case history and examination takes place and a diagnosis and treatment plan is made, usually followed by treatment.
Cranial Osteopathy (not just the head) is a key part of treatment, which has profound balancing effects on the mechanical structures of the body, including the fasciae, the central and autonomic nervous systems, viscera, circulatory, and lymphatic systems and this is often deeply restorative and relaxing. People of all ages from birth onwards can benefit.
Visceral Osteopathy, a gentle rebalancing of position and movement of organs of the body such as stomach, lungs or bowel helping them work more efficiently.
John Vesey Registered Osteopath and Counsellor
Get In Touch
07973725105 01425 279737
27 Island View Avenue
Christchurch, Dorset,
BH23 4DS
(Free parking)